17 November 2014
JCP Digest - new evidence for surgery on gingival recessions in lower incisors.

Can coronally advanced flaps (CAF) and connective tissue grafts (CTG) be effectively used on gingival recessions in the lower incisors?
CAF and CTG are techniques offering good root coverage and aesthetic outcomes in treating localised labial gingival recessions, but can they be effectively used on gingival recessions in the lower incisors?
Read the EFP's latest JCP Digest here. See the results of this new randomised controlled clinical trial which suggests that both CAF and CTG can successfully reduce the size of recessions in the lower incisors with good aesthetic outcomes.
The JCP Digest offers bite-sized perio research for clinicians who may lack the time to read through dense research papers but who, nevertheless, want to keep their knowledge updated.
For every monthly issue of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, one highly relevant study is now boiled down to a tight summary by rapporteurs under expert supervision and presented online as a downloadable pdf file. See ALL Digests here.
“I believe this is a project which really does reach out to many members,” said EFP General Secretary Prof. Stefan Renvert.
The JCP Digest is co-ordinated centrally by Dr. Iain Chapple with the co-operation of the editor-in-chief of the JCP, Prof. Maurizio Tonetti, under the umbrella of the EFP External Affairs Committee.
The project draws on global university expertise. Each selected research study is summarised by a team of rapporteurs from post-graduate periodontology courses at leading universities and academies.
Digests for the first six months of 2014 owe their conciseness and accuracy to teams led by the following experts at the following centres:
January. The Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School – Moshe Goldstein. ·
February. Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam – Ubele van der Velden.
March. Complutense University, Madrid – Mariano Sanz.
April. University of Bern – Giovanni Salvi.
May. University of Strasbourg – Henri Tenenbaum.
June. Catholic University Leuven – Marc Quirynen/Wim Teughel.
The research papers from January to June were drawn from a pool of top worldwide research centres in: South Korea; USA: Sweden; Italy; Japan; Singapore.
Digests for the second half of 2014 will come from the University of Paris, the University of Dublin, the Rambam Medical Centre in Israel, the Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden, the Yeditepe University in Turkey, and the UCL Eastman Dental Institute in London.