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2 August 2022

Latest issue of EFP Alumni magazine Perio Life is now available

Categories:Clinical Practice, Communication, Institutional

Latest issue of EFP Alumni magazine Perio Life is now available

France Lambert describes how she copes with a busy academic career while bringing up two young children. “I think a lot of women are doing brilliantly at their jobs and underestimate what they could achieve professionally while also being a mum,” she writes in her article The challenges of being a perio mum.

Tali Chackartchitakes us on a journey into the benefits of digital dentistry and the promise of augmented reality. In How digital technology is transforming dentistry, this “early adopter” writes that “digital tools are amazing and can help us optimise our knowledge and enhance our capabilities.”

Marketing guru Carlo Gallucci explains the importance of patient loyalty, in a summary of the lecture he gave at the EFP Alumni session at EuroPerio10 in June. His key message is that periodontists need to deliver value because “value delivery leads to a satisfied patient and a satisfied patient becomes a loyal patient.”

In other articles, Israeli EFP alumni Meizi Eliezer describes her career and her studies at the EFP postgraduate programme at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and EFP designer Fernando Morales gives some tips on how periodontists and dentists can improve their practices’ branding.

There is also report on the new board of EFP Alumni, which comprises the new chair Ed Madelely (graduate of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) chosen by the EFP executive committee, and Eva Castro (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium) and Giacomo Baima (University of Turin, Italy) who were elected by fellow alumni at the EFP Alumni session held at EuroPerio10 in June.

“I am honoured and grateful to have been put forward for the role of chair of the EFP Alumni community,” Ed Madelely tells Perio Life, saying that he hopes to build on “fantastic work” of EFP Alumni founder and former chair Filippo Graziani.