12 December 2017
Latest issue of Perio Insight features Anton Sculean on regenerative periodontal therapy and Søren Jepsen on EuroPerio9 scientific programme
Categories:Communication, EuroPerio, Perio Insight, Science

The latest issue of the EFP’s Perio Insightmagazine features a comprehensive review of the current knowledge base about periodontal regenerative therapy by EFP president-elect Anton Sculean.
In an “expert view” article, Prof Sculean explains why, when, and how to use regenerative techniques to improve tooth prognosis.
He considers the use of bone grafts and bone substitutes, guided tissue regeneration (GTR), enamel matrix proteins, combination approaches, growth and differentiation (GDF) factors, and autologous blood concentrates such as platelet-rich plasma.
The article includes two clear and concise graphics that explain the decision-making process involved in regenerative therapy in both intrabony and furcation defects.
The autumn issue of Perio Insight also includes an interview with EuroPerio9 scientific chairman Søren Jepsen on the challenges of creating a scientific programme for the June 2018 congress in Amsterdam.
Prof Jepsen talks about the lessons learnt from previous EuroPerio congresses, the complex task of selecting the right speakers, and the exciting new formats that will make their debut at EuroPerio9.
Finally, this issue of Perio Insight – which features a new design – includes summaries of recent research published in the EFP’s Journal of Clinical Periodontology, the sector’s leading scientific journal which has an impact factor of 3.477.
Perio Insight is the EFP’s quarterly publication which focuses on key issues in periodontal science and clinical practice, featuring debates, expert views, and analysis. It is edited by Joanna Kamma, for the EFP communications committee, with the chair and deputy chair of the scientific affairs committee – Phoebus Madianos and Lior Shapira – acting as advisers.