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4 July 2022

Left-over EuroPerio10 congress bags are donated to charity


Left-over EuroPerio10 congress bags are donated to charity

Avoiding unnecessary waste was one of the principles of sustainability underpinning the EFP’s recent EuroPerio10 congress in Copenhagen.

And this principle has been put into action in the days following the end of the congress, as the EFP in collaboration with host venue the Bella Center and professional conference organiser Mondial Congress & Events faced the question of what to do with the left-over congress backpacks.

Although these turquoise-and-blue bags had proved popular with participants at EuroPerio10, there were a few left over.

Organisers decided to donate these bags to two organisations in Denmark that work with helping socially vulnerable people.

Bags were given to Bocentret Sundholm, a residential centre for women with social problems, and to Recovery Bulls Danmark, a sports community for people affected by homelessness, poverty, and addiction.

“The bags are a perfect gift and very practical remedy for many of our players and community members preparing for an upcoming and much anticipated summer tournament, and who may not otherwise have the opportunity to buy a sports bag for themselves,” said Peter Raagard, Recovery Bulls project manager.