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4 November 2021

Madianos and Herrera explain importance of next year’s EuroPerio10

Categories:Clinical Practice, EuroPerio, Events, Science

EuroPerio 10, due to take place in Copenhagen on June 15-18 next year, will offer “the best scientific programme in the field of periodontology and implant dentistry,” with 135 speakers from 31 different countries taking part in the main programme.

That was the key message from EuroPerio10 scientific chair David Herrera, speaking in a Perio Talks session on the EFP’s Instagram page (@perioeurope) on October 28, where he and congress chair Phoebus Madianos were interviewed by Bruno de Carvalho, from the EFP Alumni committee, who is chairing the current series of Perio Talks.

Prof Herrera said that the organising committee had sought to build on the success of previous EuroPerios and to make improvements where possible. One innovation is that the programme includes specific “tracks” to help people find the right sessions to attend.

“One of the problems with EuroPerio is that you have many sessions in parallel and you want to go to all of them,” explained Prof Herrera. “That’s not physically possible, so we have prepared tracks: there will be a track on periodontology, a track on implant dentistry, and a track on multidisciplinary science.”

There will also be tracks for the different type of professionals who will attend the congress, with tracks for academics, clinicians, specialists, researchers, and dental hygienists.

“We will cover all the hot topics in periodontal surgery from mucogingival surgery to periodontal regeneration, and in implant dentistry from bone regeneration to the treatment of peri-implantitis,” he said. “We will cover the association of periodontitis with different systemic diseases and in connection with endodontics, prosthodontics, and orthodontics. We will cover the basics of periodontology, we will cover aetiology, pathogenesis, the impact of genomics technologies. We will even cover marketing. We will cover everything that is connected with periodontology.”

He highlighted the fact that there will be three live surgeries at EuroPerio10, including a session where “two of the most skilful surgeons” (Ion Zabalegui and Massimo de Sanctis) will approach similar cases in mucogingival surgery using different techniques, and another session in which Istvan Urban will perform live bone-regeneration surgery.

He also mentioned the debate sessions and symposia and the return of the “nightmare session” which proved such a success at EuroPerio9 in Amsterdam in 2018.

Why Copenhagen?

Phoebus Madianos explained why Copenhagen was chosen as the venue for this tenth edition of EuroPerio: “There are a lot of reasons. EuroPerio has become a global event and Copenhagen is an easily accessible city from practically all over the world. It also seems to have the best conference facility in Europe right now, and the biggest auditorium at the Bella Center is for 7,000 people. We could not ask for a more appropriate centre to host EuroPerio, and it also has a really big area for the industry exhibition which is a very important part of our congress.”

In addition, the venue is only about 15 minutes from the airport and from the city centre by public transport, which helps in terms of sustainability, a key aspect of the congress.

Madianos added that Copenhagen is a “very cultural city” that has become known as the “culinary capital of Europe” and so attendees will have “plenty of things to do both in the congress centre and outside.”

‘A lot of people already registering’

EuroPerio9 in Amsterdam in 2018 was attended by 10,232 people. While Phoebus Madianos said that it was “very hard to answer” the question of how many people were likely to go to Copenhagen, he said that “we’ve already seen a lot of people registering, with registrations from all continents, and I am very optimistic that by June we are going to have a EuroPerio as we all know and we all expect.”

He added that EuroPerio10 was also about professional networking, and that having been delayed by a year because of the Covid-19 pandemic, “it’s been a long time since we have been able to have close contact with our peers and colleagues and to really attend congresses in person. The Bella Center really offers itself to everybody to communicate in person and to network. There is going to be a huge exhibition that will facilitate a lot of interaction between our colleagues and our industry partners.”

Prof Madianos encouraged people to register early and thereby enjoy free access to the EuroPerio Series of online education sessions with experts who will be giving presentations at EuroPerio10.

Some comments have been edited for clarity and concision.