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12 September 2017

More than 130 people have already registered for EFP Alumni

Categories:Education, Institutional

More than 130 people have already registered for EFP Alumni

The EFP’s recently launched EFP Alumni project – a network based around the federation’s accredited postgraduate programmes in periodontology –  has already attracted a large number of registrations.

As of September 7, a total of 134 graduates and teachers of these programmes, together with past and current members of the EFP executive committee, have registered their details on the EFP Alumni page within the Education section of the federation’s website.

The EFP is encouraging all those who meet the requirements for membership to complete the online registration form. Membership is open to people who have graduated from an EFP-accredited programme, to past and present teachers and professors at these programmes, and to members of the current or a previous EFP executive committee.

The main aim of EFP Alumni is to bring together the graduates and teachers of the accredited programmes, which are now taught in 15 universities in 10 different countries. There will be special activities for members at EFP events such as the EuroPerio congresses and the Perio Master Clinic.


There will be a special session for EFP Alumni on the opening day of EuroPerio9 in Amsterdam in June next year. The session – Perio Talks: 1st EFP Graduate-Alumni Symposium – will give various speakers the chance to present talks (of between 10 and 12 minutes) on the topic “Periodontal experiences and discoveries worth spreading”, where they will discuss the experiences that have significantly shaped their professional careers.


"The EFP Alumni project is very important: it is fundamental to keep everyone who has dedicated years of their training under the EFP umbrella united and in close contact," said Filippo Graziani, who is co-ordinating the project on behalf of the executive committee. "For this reason, the EFP strongly believes that all those who are entitled should join the registry."


 “There are now already more than 430 graduates from the programmes that have received the EFP certification, and there will be many more in the future. These EFP Alumni will be in the future the backbone of the EFP,” said Moshe Goldstein, chair of the EFP postgraduate education committee, speaking at the recent EFP Postgraduate Symposium.

Further activities for EFP Alumni will be announced in the coming months.