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30 March 2022

New chair for EFP communications committee

Categories:Communication, Institutional

New chair for EFP communications committee

Dr Dannewitz is a consultant and associate professor of dental medicine in the department of periodontology at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. She has served on the board of DG PARO, the German perio society, for 10 years and as president (a post she holds until September this year), she has led the society’s transformation of its media output.

This has included the relaunch of print publications and the launch of various digital products including a successful webinar series. She was also the German EuroPerio Ambassador for EuroPerio8 in London in 2015.

Tiernan O’Brien led the communications committee at a crucial period of the federation’s evolution that has included the launch of its new website, the launch of new publications such as Perio Insight and Perio Life, the development of outreach programmes with the EFP’s partners, the expansion of Gum Health Day into a global event, and the extensive growth of the federation’s activities on social media.

“Being part of the EFP communications team for the last 12 years has been both a challenge and a joy,” said Dr O’Brien. “Between myself and my predecessor, Edwin Winkel, we have nurtured its growth from a small committee with very few resources to a powerful professional team of communication specialists working on several levels in the global dental community. 

“Our aim was to ensure that communications within the EFP and between the EFP and its stakeholders was at the forefront of all the federation’s activities.  Our efforts had to reflect the influence that the EFP has in the dental world.  I think we have managed to do that in a very competitive environment.   I wish my successor Bettina Dannewitz all the best in her new role.   She has a great team behind her."

Paying tribute to her predecessor, Bettina Dannewitz said: “The success of the EFP would not have been possible without the work of this team under Tiernan’s thoughtful and far-sighted guidance. He shaped the voice and face of the EFP without putting himself into the foreground.”

EFP secretary general Nicola West added: “You have been an inspiration for the EFP! Thank you so much for all the hard work and successes you have achieved over all the years of your tenure. Many congratulations.”