During the recent general assembly in Helsingør, Denmark, the new EFP executive committee was confirmed.
Members of the new core executive committee are:
- President: Darko Božić
- President elect: Moritz Kebschull
- Past president: Andreas Stavropoulos
- Secretary general: Nicola West
- Treasurer: Monique Danser
- Elected officer: Spyros Vassilopoulos
- New elected officer: Mia Rakić
Mia Rakić (Serbia) the newly elected officer said: “Thank you for your trust in me. It is extremely emotional for me to receive such a big recognition and confirmation; this is a very important moment for the Serbian Society of Periodontology.”
See full committees here.
New chairs elected this year are:
- Anton Sculean, chair of the European Project Committee
- Nikos Donos, chair of the Education Committee
- Phoebus Madianos, chair of the Congress Committee
Chairs confirmed for a second term are:
- David Herrera, chair of the Workshop Committee
Every year the EFP bestows awards to professionals who have served in important roles on the executive committee and who have contributed significantly to the EFP and European periodontology.
This year’s awardees are:
- EFP Eminence in Periodontology Award: Maurizio Tonetti (Italy)
- EFP International Eminence Award: William Giannobile (United States)
- EFP Distinguished Service Award: Korkud Demirel (Turkey)
- EFP Distinguished Scientist Award: Sören Jepsen (Germany)
Nicola West, secretary general of the EFP congratulated the award recipients: “EFP awards recognise outstanding contributions to the field of periodontology and to the federation. Our awardees this year have helped advance the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease, and have generously shared their knowledge through publications, lectures, and classes. We are proud to count them as distinguished members of our federation and encourage them to continue to contribute to the profession.”