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21 October 2021

New series of Perio Talks on Instagram begins with focus on EuroPerio10

Categories:Communication, EuroPerio

New series of Perio Talks on Instagram begins with focus on EuroPerio10

The first in a new series of Perio Talks conversations on the EFP’s Instagram page begins on Wednesday 27 October, when the subject will be the EuroPerio10 congress which takes place in Copenhagen in June next year.

With booking open and with the submission of abstracts for presentations at the congress invited, the thoughts of many periodontists and others in the oral-healthcare team are turning towards the congress, one of the world’s leading events in periodontal science and clinical practice.

For this Perio Talks session, Phoebus Madianos (chair of the EuroPerio10 organising committee) and David Herrera (the congress’s scientific chair) will talk about the plans for EuroPerio10 and the exciting and wide-ranging scientific programme.

The session, which takes place at 19:00 (CET) on the EFP’s Instagram page (@perioeurope) will be chaired by Bruno de Carvalho, a member of the EFP Alumni committee, who will chair all the monthly Perio Talks sessions in the current season. There will be additional Perio Talks devoted to EuroPerio10 as well as to key topics in periodontology and implant dentistry relevant to clinicians.

“Keeping our members informed about what is happening in the periodontal community is an important part of what we do in the EFP,” said Tiernan O’Brien, chair of the EFP’s communications committee. “The new Perio Talks series is a casual but stimulating series of conversations with the movers and shakers in our field.  The first series proved to be a popular feature of the EFP presence on social media and I believe this new series will continue to engage our members and provide an exciting build-up to next year's EuroPerio10 meeting in Copenhagen.”

“PerioTalks brings a new format to discuss interesting and important topics in the world of periodontology, with a live global interaction with the guests of each session," added Bruno de Carvalho. ·I’m really excited about this new series of the PerioTalks and the diversity of the topics."

The Perio Talks sessions are open to everyone and the EFP recommends following the federation on Instagram (@perioeurope) to be able to access them and to be informed of future sessions. The sessions are recorded for later viewing on Instagram.