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14 September 2020

Next EFP Perio Talks focuses on new Perio & Cardio campaign




The latest in the series of live EFP Perio Talks on Instagram, on Wednesday 16 September at 18.00 (CET), will be devoted to the new Perio & Cardio campaign, which the EFP launches on 15 September.


The live session on Instagram (@perioeurope) will involve a conversation between two of the architects of the campaign: Filippo Graziani, chair of the EFP European project committee, and Álvaro Marco del Castillo, a cardiologist representing the World Heart Federation (WHF).


They will discuss the Perio & Cardio campaign, a collaboration between the EFP and the WHF devoted to the relationship between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases.

This campaign, based on the outcomes of the Perio & Cardio Workshop held in Madrid in February 2019, offers clear advice, based on the latest scientific evidence, about the significance of the associations between the two diseases and about the steps that should be taken in terms of prevention and treatment.

It includes recommendation documents designed specifically for three groups of people: oral-healthcare professionals, medical professionals and pharmacists, and patients and the public. There are also infographics and a video animation, as well as the consensus report from the workshop.

The Perio & Cardio workshop and campaign represent the first collaboration between the EFP and the WHF, bringing dentists and cardiologists together in a common cause. The campaign – like the workshop, sponsored by Dentaid – is launched ahead of World Heart Day on 29 September.