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28 October 2022

Orthodontics and periodontal bony defects - one of the topics at Perio Master Clinic 2023

Categories:Clinical Practice, Events

On the first day of the event, periodontist Daniele Cardaropoli and orthodontist Lorena Gaveglio, both from Italy, will discuss the clinical evidence on orthodontic movement into periodontal bony defects.

Their presentation will highlight how an interdisciplinary orthodontic and periodontal approach is a suitable option for treating the formation of infrabony defects adjacent to pathologically migrated teeth in cases of advanced periodontitis.

They will explain the implications of orthodontic movement into infrabony defects, noting how literature supports this approach to attempt closing the defect, filling the bone, and possibly forming new attachment.

Drs Cardaropoli and Gaveglio will focus on the rationale, timing, and biological implications of this therapeutic approach, and will also address the management of soft tissues and the additional benefits offered by the use of augmentation procedures.

Their presentation will also highlight the proper treatment sequence in combined perio-ortho therapy, as well as the basic science and clinical evidence on intrusive tooth movement into infrabony defects. Participants will learn how to clinically manage periodontal tissues before, during, and after orthodontic therapy.

Daniele Cardaropoli works as a periodontist in private practice in Turin and is president of the Giuseppe Cardaropoli Foundation for Research and Care in Periodontology. He is the author of more than 50 articles published in international peer-reviewed journals and two textbooks on aesthetics in implant dentistry and periodontal plastic and regenerative dentistry.

Lorena Gaveglio has a private practice in orthodontics in Pinerolo and Turin and a specialist interest in ortho-perio interdisciplinary treatment. She was the winner of the R. Earl Robinson Periodontal Regeneration Award of the American Academy of Periodontology in 2022.

This duo lecture will be preceded by a lecture by German periodontist Karin Jepsen on “Periodontal regeneration and orthodontics – is there a best-practice timing?” and followed by a clinical case presentation related to periodontal regeneration and orthodontics given by Antonio Liñares (Spain).

This session on periodontal regeneration and orthodontics, which takes place from 10.50-12.25 on Friday 3 March, will be moderated by Wim Teughels, professor of periodontology at KU Leuven in Belgium.

The deadline for “early bird” registration for Perio Master Clinic 2023, with discounts of 20 percent on the full price, is Wednesday 2 November.