11 January 2015
Patient compliance rates for SIT therapy to prevent peri-implantitis - the latest summary of JCP research

The crucial subject of patient compliance with supportive post-implant therapy (SIT) comes under focus in the latest JCP Digest, the project launched by the EFP one year ago to help clinicians keep up with research without having to read through the long, full versions of papers published in the periodontal scientific publication, the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.
Click here to download your JCP Digest 10 pdf file and read rapidly through the background, aims, and results of a retrospective three-year cohort study investigating compliance of patients placed on SIT programmes to maintain oral hygiene and prevent peri-implant diseases following implant-supported restorations.
Thanks to the careful work by the Scandinavian based rapporteurs who summarised this research, you can quickly see that the study authors reported a significant correlation between lower compliance and increased probing pocket depth. Moreover lower compliance was statistically significantly influenced by the increased geographical distance between some of the subjects and the study centre.
All 2014 and future JCP Digests are to be translated by experts in periodontology into five European languages: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. These will all be made available to EFP members. Watch this website for news soon on this exciting project.