12 February 2020
Perio Master Clinic 2020: Markus Hürzeler addresses management of soft-tissue complications at implants
Categories:Clinical Practice, Events

There can often be complications after performing reconstructive surgery both at teeth and at dental implants, and this will a key topic covered at Perio Master Clinic 2020. Markus Hürzeler will give a presentation at the Dublin congress on how to manage soft-tissue complications at implants. Here, he offers a preview.
What are the main soft-tissue complications at implants that commonly occur in clinical practice?
The main complications are scar tissue in the peri-implant mucosa, keloid in the mucosa, and deficiency of volume around the implants both horizontally and vertically.
What are the various techniques that can be used to tackle these complications, and what are their respective advantages and disadvantages?
There are surgical techniques that avoid papilla incisions and it is important to choose the right autogenous connective-tissue graft, one that demonstrates better volumetric stability.
The advantage of these techniques is that they allow you to achieve a high quality of tissue around dental implants. But, on the other hand, these techniques are more complicated to perform.
What have been the main developments in this area in recent years, and what are the main challenges that remain to be overcome?
The main developments have been those of incision-free reconstructive surgical procedures and the stability of the soft-tissue volume that is created. In the future, there may be soft-tissue replacements to substitute for the autogenous connective tissue.
What is your overall impression of the programme created for Perio Master Clinic 2020 and its topic of the current and future challenges in soft- and hard-tissue reconstructions around teeth and implants?
It is a wonderful programme; it is now up to the speakers to make the best out of it.
Perio Master Clinic 2020 takes place on March 6 and 7 at the Royal Dublin Society, preceded by a series of related hands-on workshops on Thursday, March 5.
Markus Hürzeler will speak on “management of soft-tissue complications at implants” in the session Complication management after reconstructive surgery at natural teeth and dental implants, Saturday, March 7, 15.00-17.00.
Markus B. Hürzeler works in private practice in Munich with his partner Dr. Otto Zuhr, limiting his activity to periodontics and implant therapy. In 2002 he became Professor of Dentistry at the Medical Department of Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, and in 2008 he and Dr Zuhr founded the Huerzeler/Zuhr Education Center where they teach their concepts and philosophy in today’s dentistry. He is president of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED).