24 February 2020
Perio Master Clinic 2020: Moshe Goldstein outlines key issues in soft-tissue defects around natural teeth
Categories:Clinical Practice, Events

Coverage of denuded roots is a major aspect of modern periodontal therapy, according to Moshe Goldstein, chair of the EFP postgraduate education committee who will moderate the session on soft-tissue defects around natural teeth at Perio Master Clinic 2020.
“Until the 1980s, mucogingival surgery was focused on treating mucogingival defects, the goal being to increase the keratinized gingiva and achieve the maximal possible coverage of the denuded roots – even if the outcome was not very aesthetic,” he said.
Today, in contrast, the goal of mucogingival surgery is not merely "acceptable" root coverage but the “complete coverage of the exposed root with a perfect aesthetic outcome, so that the aspect and texture of the tissue in the grafted area are similar to those of the adjacent teeth.”
Prof Goldstein, director of postgraduate periodontology at the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem (Israel), said that the session on soft-tissue defects around natural teeth at Perio Master Clinic 2020 in Dublin would provide the audience with the most up-to-date
techniques for a predictable outcome when performing mucogingival grafting with autogenous tissues.
In addition, he promised, it would provide “a glimpse of the current and maybe future possibilities for the use of soft-tissue substitute materials.”
The session will feature three presentations:
- Giovanni Zucchelli (Italy): Coverage of single and multiple recessions in the maxillary area,
- Anton Sculean (Switzerland): Coverage of single and multiple recessions in the mandibular area,
- Karin Jepsen (Germany): Autogenous tissues versus soft-tissue replacement grafts.
Soft-tissue defects around natural teeth, Perio Master Clinic 2020, Dublin, Friday, March 6, 11.45-13.30.