20 January 2023
Perio Master Clinic 2023 on ‘perio-ortho synergy’ is focus of new Perio Talks podcast
Categories:Clinical Practice, Communication, Events

The first EFP Perio Talks podcast of the year focuses on the forthcoming Perio Master Clinic 2023, devoted to the “Perio-Ortho Synergy”.
Conference chair Peter Garmyn and scientific chair Virginie Monnet-Corti tell Perio Talks host Bruno de Carvalho about the choice of topic, the scientific programme, the social events, and the attractions of the host city of Antwerp.
In the podcast, now available on the EFP website, Peter Garmyn explains how the Belgian Society of Periodontology proposed the idea of focussing on the synergy between periodontology and orthodontics after staging a successful national event on the topic, believing that it was an “exciting topic” for an international congress because “the synergy between ortho and perio can improve treatment outcomes.”
Virginie Monnet-Corti points out that the topic relates to the EFP’s Perio Workshop 2021 and the subsequent clinical practice guideline on stage IV periodontitis, where orthodontic treatment is often needed alongside periodontal therapy.
The organisers explain the structure of the congress, whose eight sessions cover a wide range of topics, and the benefits of an event where the number of participants is limited to ensure the optimal learning experience and facilitate contact with the speakers.
They also highlight the innovative features of this edition – the fifth – of Perio Master Clinic, which include clinical case presentations (selected via a call for videos rather than abstracts), a “lunch and learn” session where participants can question speakers in an intimate and informal environment, and the conference party.
Perio Master Clinic 2023, on “The Perio-Ortho Synergy”, takes place at the Flanders Meeting & Convention Centre in Antwerp, Belgium, on March 3 and 4.