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23 March 2022

Perio Review shows EFP’s progress over last year

Categories:Communication, Institutional

The 2021-22 edition of Perio Review, the EFP’s annual report on its activities, has been published tahead of the federation’s general assembly which takes place in Vienna, Austria, on Saturday 26 March.

Lior Shapira, EFP president 2021-22, describes how challenging it has been to bring about his vision of a “return to normal year” because of the complications of the Covid-19 pandemic, which he had hoped would soon be over.

Despite these challenges, he explains how the EFP nonetheless has managed to hold in-person meetings, including the important Perio Workshop 2021 in La Granja, Spain, where more than 100 experts worked to create the evidence-based S3-level clinical practice guideline for the treatment of stage IV periodontitis, which will be published soon.

“Because the EFP’s soul is about human relationships and personal interactions, despite the uncertain conditions, I strove to organise in-person meetings – and we did it,” writes Prof. Shapira.

The magazine features a month-by-month account of the EFP’s activities since its previous general assembly (held online because of the pandemic) at the end of March last year. As well as Perio Workshop 2021, the highlights of the year included the publication in June of the report Time to take gum disease seriously: The societal and economic impact of periodontitis, commissioned by the EFP and published by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the first comprehensive analysis of the financial and human cost of gum disease in six Western European countries.

In addition, the EuroPerio Series of online educational events related to the scientific programme of the EuroPerio10 congress (which takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 15-18 June), and the launch of the EFP Alumni magazine Perio Life were among the year’s notable achievements in communications.

This was also the year during which the EFP celebrated its 30th anniversary (on December 13), an occasion marked first by the release of a series of videos on the achievements of the last three decades and then with the publication – coinciding with the Vienna general assembly – of the commemorative magazine 30 years promoting periodontal health for a better life, written by EFP editor Joanna Kamma.

Finally, the magazine features an article by Andreas Stavropoulos, who becomes EFP president after the general assembly, outlining his vision for the next 12 months.