Gum Health Day 2019 on May 12 is set to be the EFP’s biggest awareness day ever, with activities being planned in 45 countries. As well events and media communications planned by the EFP’s 37 affiliated members, societies from beyond the EFP are also taking part, including members of the Ibero-Panamerican Federation of Periodontology (FIPP).
The EFP is publishing a three-part, country-by-country guide to the activities planned.
Part 1: Argentina-Hungary
Argentina: Banners displayed and live demonstrations at dental hospitals and universities, where information will be given to patients. The society is running a month-long communication campaign for the general population, including an educational leaflet with instructions about oral health.
Austria: Public-awareness day in a shopping centre in Vienna where an app will be used on tablet devices to enable self-assessment of periodontal risk.
Azerbaijan: Seminars, free periodontal screenings, activities in nursing homes and kindergartens, together with leaflet distribution in big shopping malls. Posters and banners are being distributed to members of the society, which will also issue a press release and be active on social media.
Belgium: Mobile clinics and dental units at hospitals to provide check-ups and information, plus promotion on social media and the society’s website.
Bolivia: Dissemination of Gum Health Day through the Ministry of Health and inclusion in the society’s annual congress.
Brazil: Social media campaign during March and promotion during the XXVIII Brazilian Periodontology Congress on May 3.
Chile: Dissemination activities in various cities, targeting universities, hospitals and health services, with social-media activities using the hashtag #yocuidomisencias (I look after my gums).
Columbia: Communication campaign on gum health and its impact on systemic health and quality of life, including TV and digital media.
Croatia: Posters and infographics distributed at universities and clinics, a lecture on the burden of periodontal disease at University of Zagreb, a public event in the city centre, and Croatian Perio Days (a meeting of the society with a promotional stand including all informative materials). There will also be a public event in Split and promotion via TV, radio, and social media.
Denmark: Gum Health Day will be promoted by handing out toothpaste and toothbrushe at Aarhus University’s Kapsejlads boat race (May 3) and at a jazz festival at Copenhagen University (May 10).
Dominican Republic: Scientific event where members of the society will focus on discussing the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases.
Ecuador: Presence at dental schools in Quito, communication to the public through radio stations (where a society member will talk about the importance of periodontal health), and a social-media campaign.
Finland: Public lecture on “healthy gums, beautiful smile” and Finnish dental schools will take part in activities. Focus on local oral-health promotion and education materials about periodontitis and smoking cessation. Gum Health Day is being announced in specialist and national media and through press releases.
France: Regional branches of the society will work with local hospitals (in partnership with Oral-B) setting up prevention booths and workshops on the links between periodontal and general health. The society is also promoting Gum Health Day through radio, TV, and press, as well as encouraging individual members to promote the awareness day and providing material via its website and social media.
Georgia: Activities at dental clinics and universities and the society will target the media with a press release and a press conference.
Germany: As May 12 is Mother’s Day in Germany, the society is linking this to Gum Health Day and will focus on the EFP/Oral-B Oral Health & Pregnancy project. All society members are being sent a package with the EFP guidelines and posters. Pregnant patients will be provided with the recommendation brochure for women, a self-testing risk assessment for periodontitis, and a dental-health record book for children. The society is also providing brochures, posters and the test to gynaecologists, sending press releases to specialist and general media, and promoting Gum Health Day via its website and Facebook page.
Greece: “Perio kiosks” in Athens and Thessaloniki, advertisements in national newspapers, and disseminating videos and images via the society’s webpage and social media.
Hungary: Focusing on the connection between periodontitis and systemic diseases, the society will provide brochures from the Perio & Diabetes project to diabetologists and the public and seek to show patients that successful treatment of periodontitis requires a multidisciplinary approach. On May 12, demonstrations of oral-hygiene technique will be broadcast live on Facebook.