10 September 2019
Postgraduate Symposium: high-quality presentations and an active audience

The new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases, bone-augmentation techniques, the relationship between periodontal risk and nutrition, and the possible links between periodontitis and sleep apnoea – these were just some of the topics covered at the EFP’s 8th Postgraduate Symposium.
The event, held in Sweden from September 5 to 7, brought together a hundred students and 32 teachers from the 17 EFP-accredited programmes in periodontology.
The opening lecture – “Peri-implantitis: Learning from pre-clinical models” – was given by Ingemar Abrahamsson, professor of periodontology at the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, which hosted the symposium. He explained that pre-clinical in vivo models are necessary because peri-implantitis in patients with dental implants is common and the onset of the disease may occur early, but it is not possible to predict who will be affected.
The lecture outlined the experimental peri-implantitis model, explained how researchers at the university had used it in studies with dogs, and presented several in vivo studies on the progression of peri-implantitis and its treatment.
“Pre-clinical models are important for the understanding of disease progression and for the development of new treatment concepts,” concluded Prof Abrahamsson.
On Friday 6, Mariano Sanz (professor of periodontology at the Complutense University of Madrid and chair of the EFP Workshop Committee) gave a comprehensive lecture on the logic, concepts. and decision-making involved the disgnosis of periodontitis under the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions.
On Friday and Saturday, there were clinical and research presentations given by students at the universities that teach the EFP-accredited programme.
There were eight research presentations:
- Leucocyte-and platelet-rich fibrin block for bone-augmentation procedure: a proof-of-concept study, by Simone Cortellini, Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium).
- Anti-inflammatory potential of a sage-based mouthwash in elderly subjects enrolled in supportive periodontal therapy: a six-week randomized controlled clinical trial, by Kevin Guldener, University of Bern (Switzerland).
- Influence of periodontal status on peri-implant tissues in a periodontally treated population: a cross-sectional study, by Ioanna Papalou, University of Strasbourg (France).
- Relationship between periodontal risk and nutrition: a population-based study, by Laurent Detzen, University of Paris Diderot – Paris 7 (France).
- The association between periodontitis and the risk of OSAS: a pilot study, by Alexander Verhelst, Academic Centre of Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Amsterdam (Netherlands).
- VEGF release from a polymeric nanofibre scaffold for improved angiogenesis, by Alaa Khutaba, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa (Israel).
- The use of MRFA as an adjunct to conventional clinical examination following peri-implantitis treatment: a 12-month follow-up, by Ed Madeley, Trinity College, University of Dublin (Ireland).
- The use of autogenous particulate dentin as an appropriate bone substitute in socket site preservation procedures: clinical, radiographical, and histological evaluations, by Erez Netaneli, Tel Aviv University (Israel).
Clinical cases
There were also eight clinical presentations by Ahmad Bebars (Turin University, Italy), Juan Bollain (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain), Manon Borie (University of Liège, Belgium), Emma Busom (International University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain), Deniz Findik (Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey), Omer Getter (Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel), Elias Jajjo (Gothenburg University, Sweden), and Jason Lim (Eastman Dental Institute, University College London, UK).
The case presentations covered many aspects of modern periodontal therapy, including complex periodontitis and periimplantitis cases, mucogingival and pre-prosthetic procedures, and multi-stage multidisciplinary cases.
"All the cases were at the highest level of performance and exceptionally presented," said Moshe Goldstein, chair of the EFP postgraduate-education committee. "The quality and diversity of the research presentations proved that the EFP-accredited programmes are nowadays at the forefront of periodontal research."
Overall, there was one presentation from each of the accredited programmes, other than Hong Kong University, which received its accreditation recently.
Finally, there were debates on the diagnosis and treatment of peri-implantitis cases and mucogingival cases, led respectively by Prof Goldstein and Prof Anton Sculean (EFP immediate past president and professor of periodontology at the University of Bern, Switzerland). Various cases of peri-implantitis and mucogingival pathology were presented by the moderators, provking a lively debate among students (and teachers) about the different treatment possibilities.
As well as the main programme, the Postgraduate Symposium also involved a team-building exercise and social activities, providing students from different universities and countries with the opportunity to get to know each other and make new friendships.
The EFP Postgraduate Symposium takes place every two years and is organised by one of the 17 universities and hospitals that run EFP-accredited programmes in 12 different countries. Second- and third-year postgraduate students are invited as well as the programme directors and co-ordinators.
“The Symposium went very well,” said Ingemar Abrahamsson. “The case presentations had a high quality and represented a wide area of different periodontal and implant therapies. Also the research presentation had a very high quality and represented many different aspects and fields within perio-related research.”
He added that the audience was “very active in debating and asking questions after each presentation” and discussions of the issues raised often continued during the coffee breaks and lunch.
The 8th EFP Postgraduate symposium was sponsored by Procter & Gamble and Dentsply Sirona. The next symposium will take place in September 2021.