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16 April 2015

Prevention workshop conclusions now online


Prevention workshop conclusions now online

The proceedings  of the XI European Workshop of Periodontology 'Effective Prevention of Periodontal and Peri-implant diseases' are now online in a free, open-access supplement of this April's issue of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology (JCP). Click here to view and download.

In total, 21 articles report on top-level reviews of studies covering the whole scope of preventive approaches in periodontology, providing guidelines for clinicians which JCP editor-in-chief and Workshop working party chairman Prof. Maurizio Tonetti has described as "of fundamental importance in reorienting clinicians, dental hygienists, dentists, periodontists, and the whole profession."

Guest editors for the supplement in the EFP's prestigious periodontal science publication are XI Workshop chairman, Mariano Sanz, and, JCP editor-in-chief, Maurizio Tonetti.

This is essential reading for members of the dental profession. The Workshop conclusions update key aspects of primary and secondary prevention ranging from mechanical plaque removal methods to behaviour change counselling. Risk factor assessment tools are reviewed, as is dentine hypersensitivity management and halitosis treatments.

The XI European Workshop in Periodontology took place last November in Spain. It was supported by educational grants from the firms Procter and Gamble, and Johnson and Johnson.