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9 June 2018

Russia: periodontal screenings and oral-hygiene advice

Categories:National Activities, Gum Health Day

Russia: periodontal screenings and oral-hygiene advice

The Russian Society of Periodontology celebrated European Gum Health Day 2018 with a series of events across the country at universities, research centres, clinics, and schools.

In St Petersburg, the society offered free periodontal consultations to residents and visitors. This activity involved a periodontal examination, professional oral hygiene, and advice about the importance of gum health. Instructions in correct oral hygiene were also provided.

Information about the importance of gum health during pregnancy was given to pregnant women who were taking part at a yoga class in one of St Petersburg’s maternity hospitals. 

Also in St Petersburg, there was a scientific and practical conference on current issues in periodontics on May 16, featuring leading Russian periodontists and invited specialists from Estonia, Hungary, and Azerbaijan.

In the city of Kazan, free consultations and instructions in oral hygiene were provided at the university, while in Ufa students at the dental faculty of the Bashkir State Medical University were reminded about the role of individual oral hygiene in preventing periodontal diseases and given training in cleaning techniques.

In Saratov, dental students gave residents both apples and information about the importance of healthy teeth and gums.

Other events across the country addressed students, schoolchildren, and participants in sports competitions.