12 September 2017
Søren Jepsen takes message about EuroPerio9 to Scandinavian congress

Søren Jepsen, scientific chair of EuroPerio9, visited the annual congress of the Scandinavian Society of Periodontology (ScSP) to promote EuroPerio9, which takes place in Amsterdam in June 2018.
Joined by Ulvi K. Gürsoy, who is both chair of the ScSP2017 congress and the EuroPerio9 ambassador for Finland, Prof Jepsen spoke about EuroPerio9 and ensured the wide distribution of the Second Announcement, which gives full details of the congress’s scientific program and speakers.
In addition, speakers at the ScSP congress all added the “EuroPerio9: Save the Date” slide to their presentations.
The ScSP said that it “appreciates the scientific and social quality of the EuroPerio congresses and the hard work behind the organization” and “welcomes team work between periodontal societies.”
The society’s 2017 congress, whose main theme was “Periodontal treatment and maintenance: Do we need to medicate to regenerate?”, was held in Mariehamn, Åland, Finland, on August 24 to 26. The programme features 12 leading lecturers from 11 different universities who discussed the role of medications in periodontal and peri-implant generation.
EuroPerio9 takes place at RAI Amsterdam on June 20 to 23, 2018. Registration and abstract submissions open on September 25.