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23 February 2021

Spanish and Portuguese dental magazine interviews EFP president Xavier Struillou

Categories:Communication, Institutional

Spanish and Portuguese dental magazine interviews EFP president Xavier Struillou

An interview with EFP president Xavier Struillou has been published by the Spanish and Portuguese editions of the dental magazine Maxillaris.

In the interview, published last month, Dr Struillou outlined the EFP’s response to Covid-19, the decision to postpone EuroPerio10, the federation’s campaigns, the S3-level clinical practice guideline drawn up at Perio Workshop 2019, and the launch of EFP Virtual.

On the federation’s response to the pandemic, he emphasised the importance of “the application of rigorous protocols to ensure total safety for our patients, our employees, and our clinics”. He highlighted EFP initiatives, such as a pan-European survey to understand the practical implications of the pandemic and the measures taken in each country, and the Covid-19 safety-protocol infographics for dental practices.

Asked about the EFP’s efforts to encourage the early detection, control, and treatment of periodontitis, Dr Struillou explained how both the federation and its 37 affiliated national societies of periodontology have sought to improve the understanding of periodontal disease by both the medical community and the public, highlighting the key role of Gum Health Day.

He also mentioned the EFP’s campaignsPerio & Cardio, Perio & Caries, Perio & Diabetes, and Oral Health & Pregnancy – saying that “they contain a high level of scientific content and a strand aimed at influencing the political authorities.”

Explaining the EFP’s decision to postpone EuroPerio10 from June 2021 until next year, the president said that the decision had been taken “to be sure of celebrating this big congress in optimal conditions.” He added that the programme for the Copenhagen congress would be of the highest level and would include “some interesting surprises”.

Finally, Xavier Struillou spoke about the EFP’s approach to online training and webinars through the launch of EFP Virtual, which includes the Perio Sessions webinars, “with content of a high scientific and non-commercial level,” and Perio Talks on Instagram Live, “which allows a more direct and less formal conversation between the speaker and the public.”