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21 September 2021

Submissions invited for top research prize to be awarded at EuroPerio10

Categories:Clinical Practice, EuroPerio, Institutional, Science

Submissions invited for top research prize to be awarded at EuroPerio10

Submissions can now be made for the Jaccard-EFP Prize for Periodontal Research, which will be awarded at EuroPerio10 in Copenhagen in June 2022.

This prize is open to all members of the 37 national societies of periodontology affiliated to the EFP. Three prizes will be awarded: the winner of the first prize will receive an award of CHF10,000 (€9,229), while the second prize is worth CHF6,000 and the third prize CHF4,000.

Research submitted for consideration must not have been published previously or presented at any meeting. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the instructions to authors of the EFP’s Journal of Clinical Periodontology (JCP), in which the three winning entries will be published.

Submitted papers will be evaluated by a panel of five judges comprising Panos N. Papapanou (JCP editor-in-chief), two JCP associate editors, one member selected by the EFP’s executive committee, and a member of the EuroPerio10 organising committee.

This panel will select three papers to be presented at EuroPerio10, where the eventual winner will be decided by the jury based on five evaluation criteria: (1) significance for periodontology, (2) innovative character, (3) scientific quality, (4) the quality of the paper, (5) the quality of the oral presentation at EuroPerio10.

Candidates should send their manuscripts by email in pdf format to Mónica Guinea, EFP co-ordinator, at monica@efp.org before December 30, 2021. Full details on the application procedure can be found on the EFP website: Jaccard-EFP Prize for Periodontal Research.

Promoting research in Europe

The Jaccard-EFP Prize of Periodontal Research was created in 1995 by the EFP and the Jaccard Foundation (University of Geneva) to promote periodontal research in Europe. It is awarded at the EFP’s triennial EuroPerio congress.

In the previous edition of this prize, the EFP received a record number of 19 manuscripts for consideration. The first prize in 2018, awarded at EuroPerio9 in Amsterdam, went to the paper "Time between recall visits and residual probing depths predict long-term stability in patients enrolled in supportive periodontal therapy", by Christoph A. Ramseier, Martina Nydegger, Clemens Walter, Gabriel Fischer, Anton Sculean, Niklaus P. Lang, and Giovanni E. Salvi.

The 2015 prize, awarded at EuroPerio8 in London, was awarded to the paper “Acute phase response following full mouth versus quadrant non-surgical periodontal treatment. A randomized clinical trial”, written by Filippo Graziani, Silvia Cei, Marco Orlandi, Stefano Gennai, Mario Gabriele, Natalia Filice, Marco Nisi, and Francesco D’Aiuto.

Photo: Christoph A. Ramseier (right) receiving the 2018 research-prize certificate from Phoebus Madianos, chair of the jury, at EuroPerio9.