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8 February 2022

'Treat Your Gums' is the slogan for Gum Health Day 2022

Category:Gum Health Day

GumHealthDay logo

“Apart from our ‘normal’ gum-health awareness message that is similar every year (early detection, sequelae of periodontitis, etc), we will focus more than before on the intervention part,” said event co-ordinator Moritz Kebschull. “The motto is ‘Treat Your Gums’, both from an intervention and from a well-being perspective.”

Prof Kebschull added that the campaign would “point towards our world-leading classification and guideline work and emphasize the important role of well-informed clinicians.”

An innovation this year will be the "EFP Custom Content Generator", a website that will allow national societies, their members, and interested members of the public to generate their own versions of social-media posts and posters for printing about gum-health awareness.

Prof Kebschull said that this tool would address feedback from national societies in previous years on the desirability of being able to customise the material provided by the EFP for the annual awareness day. With the new tool, “everybody can pick what they like,” he said.

In addition, co-operation with the EuroPerio10 organising committee will enable Gum Health Day 2022 to use the extensive reach of the EuroPerio10 ambassadors, representatives of the EFP’s full and associate member societies, as well as to give greater visibility to the congress, which takes place in Copenhagen in June.

The Gum Health Day 2022 campaign and the content-generating tool will be presented to the national societies at the EFP’s general assembly, due to be held in Vienna on March 26.