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10 June 2018

Turkey: scientific meetings and TV interview

Categories:National Activities, Gum Health Day

Turkey: scientific meetings and TV interview

To mark European Gum Health Day 2018, Turkish Society of Periodontology president Sule Bulut gave a television interview on the Kanal B channel in Ankara on the importance of periodontal health and its effects on systemic health.

Dr Bulut answered questions on how periodontal health and systemic well-being are related, explained the idea behind the EFP’s annual awareness day, and underlined how the Turkish Society of Periodontology is involved in the actions of the EFP.

Past president Bahar Kuru gave speeches in relation to European Gum Health Day at three different events: the Paediatric Probiotic Congress in Antalya, the International Human Microbiota Congress in Antalya, and as part of the continuing education programme at Yeditepe University in Istanbul.

On all three occasions she raised awareness of the importance of periodontal health and also discussed the role of oral microbiota in health and disease. She also explained why prevention and treatment are crucial and gave a scientific account of why systemic health and periodontal health should be treated as a single entity.

At the two congresses, her audience comprised medical doctors, dietitians, and pharmacists, while the continuous-education seminar involved dentists as well as members of the public.