22 May 2018
Ukraine: Periodontal examinations across whole country
Categories:National Activities, Gum Health Day

The Ukranian Society of Periodontists decided to stage a whole week of activities – from May 11 to May 18 – to celebrate European Gum Health Day 2018, with different events organised by all of the society’s 12 regional branches.
At the heart of the campaign were free periodontal examinations, involving a total of more than 3,300 people across Ukraine.
Periodontal examinations were provided at 12 universities, in which members of the Ukrainian Association of Dental Hygienists also assisted.
Lectures were given by professors and associate professors (all society members) to students of various dental specialities, and there was a survey of patients and oral-hygiene instructions were given to the public in Kiev, Lviv, Ternopil, Dnepr, and Kharkov.
There were also periodontal examinations of more than 900 patients in more than 100 clinics, both state-run and private, across the country.
The society also provided talks and hygiene lessons for preschool and school children (within the framework of Colgate’s “A dazzling smile for life!” initiative), reaching more than a thousand children.
Periodontal examinations carried out by society members used a single assessment card for periodontal status which had been developed by Prof. Galina Biloklytska, the society’s president.
Patients also received information about oral hygiene, an explanation of the relationship between periodontal and systemic diseases, as well as product samples (toothpastes and mouth rinses) provided by the societies partners Colgate, Lacalut, and GSK. The activities of the Ukrainian Society for Periodontists for European Gum Health Day 2018 were also supported by Dentsply Sirona.
In addition to preventive examinations and consultations, members of the society also held seminars, master classes, and lectures in dental clinics, schools, preschools, and appeared on television.