11 November 2017
University of Turin joins EFP’s accredited postgraduate programme

The University of Turin has become the latest university to offer an EFP-accredited postgraduate programme in periodontology.
A master’s degree in periodontology has been offered at the university since 2005 and more than 100 students have graduated. Since 2013, the course’s structure has been brought into line with the approved EFP quality standards.
The C.I.R. Dental School at the University of Turin becomes the first university in Italy to offer an EFP-accredited postgraduate course.
“Periodontology in Italy has some of the most recognised clinicians and researchers in the world, but there wasn’t an accredited postgraduate programme,” said Mario Aimetti, professor of periodontology at the University of Turin and director of the course.
“This was unacceptable to me. Moreover, I think that only through postgraduate scholarship with a very intensive programme is it possible to help the younger generation grow in knowledge, competence, and proficiency.”
Prof Aimetti added that EFP-accreditation provides “a European recognition of the standards of the programme which is a guarantee of quality.” However, for the School, accreditation is not the final goal but “the starting point for improvements through cultural exchange.”
There are now 16 EFP-accredited postgraduate programmes in periodontology in 11 countries: three in Israel; two in each of Belgium, France, and Spain; and one in each of Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
EFP-accredited postgraduate programmes in periodontology are organised in three-year, full-time courses, comprising 180 European Credits (ECTS) and are given in an accredited dental school or postgraduate centre that enables the successful postgraduate student to practise periodontology, including surgical oral-implant therapy at a specialist level.
Each programme includes didactic courses together with both clinical and research training.