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27 August 2024

Urgent! Call for alumni presentations at EuroPerio11

Categories:EuroPerio, Science

EFP Alumni call for research

The EFP announced an exclusive opportunity for its alumni to take the stage at EuroPerio11 in Vienna, from 14 to 17 May 2025. The deadline on Sunday 1 September 2024 is fast approaching!

As part of a dedicated session for EFP Alumni, we are looking to recruit five speakers from our community to deliver short, impactful presentations. This is a unique chance for alumni to showcase their clinical or research-based work in front of an international audience.

Criteria for submission:

  • Presentation length: 10 minutes
  • Content: clinical or research-based topics
  • Eligibility: open exclusively to EFP Alumni, including graduates, current postgraduates of EFP accredited programmes, clinical researchers, and supervisors

Interested alumni are invited to submit a short abstract or presentation (approximately 300 words) outlining their proposed topic. Presentations should be in PowerPoint or a similar format.

Submissions should be sent to efpalumnicommittee@gmail.com. The selection process will involve shortlisting by the EFP Alumni committee, with final approval from the EuroPerio11 committee.

The submission deadline is Sunday 1 September 2024.

This is a fantastic opportunity to be part of EuroPerio11, to promote your work, and to connect with peers in the field. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

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