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26 November 2018

Versions of Perio & Diabetes animation will be made in seven languages

Categories:Communication, Science

Versions of Perio & Diabetes animation will be made in seven languages

The animated video Perio and Diabetes, produced by the EFP as a key tool within its recently launched Perio & Diabetes campaign, is to be released in seven new languages.

Versions are now being made in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, and Spanish which will supplement the original version in English.

The aim is to enable the widest possible distribution of the short video, which uses clear and lively animation to communicate important messages about the relationship between periodontal disease and the steps that people need to take in terms of prevention, treatment, and management.

The animation has been well received, with comments on social media including “this great short animation video explains the links between periodontal diseases & diabetes” and “Great example of condensed scientific evidence transformed into a form a child can get.”

It was produced for the Perio & Diabetes project by Gonzalo Herrero, who also designed two infographics that describe the relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes and periodontal treatment for people with diabetes.

“Reaching out and transferring science in simple and clear messages is surely one of the missions of the federation today and in the future,” said Filippo Graziani, EFP president-elect who co-ordinated the Perio & Diabetes project.

The visual-based resources support the textual material produced in the form of recommendation guidelines, brochures, scientific reports, and FAQs.

Perio & Diabetes is funded by an unconditional grant from EFP partner Sunstar.