2 May 2015
VIDEO EuroPerio8 speakers Berglundh and Salvi discuss their presentations on key risk areas

Click here to see a brief filmed discussion between Giovanni Salvi and Tord Berglundh as they discuss their EuroPerio8 presentation topics under the heading: aetiopathogenesis of peri-implantitis.
The morning of Saturday, June 6 will bring these two leading researchers together with fellow expert Bruno Loos in a session of the EuroPerio8 category: Understanding peri-implantitis: current base knowledge. Tord Berglundh will speak on Pathogenesis of the peri-implant lesion, while Giovanni Salvi's presentation is on Understanding the key risk factors.
The subject of key risk areas in both peri-implantitis and periodontitis will come very much under the scrutiny of Bern University professor Salvi and Berglundh, head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory at the University of Gothenburg. Both promise to reveal new research data comparing periodontitis and peri-implantitis which will influence the way in which clinicians take risks into account in treatment planning.
The video discussion also stressses the need for greater understanding of the microbial composition of peri-implantis in comparison to periodontitis, another big factor affecting the selection of treatment procedures. New research on the use of antibiotics is another key aspect on which the EuroPerio8 session will focus.