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23 June 2018

Winners of first EFP photo contest are announced at EuroPerio9

Categories:Communication, National Activities, EuroPerio

Winners of first EFP photo contest are announced at EuroPerio9

The winners of the 1st EFP Photo Contest were announced on Friday 22 June at EuroPerio9 in Amsterdam.

The overall winner was chosen by an expert jury and the winners of each of the competition’s three categories were selected by participants at EuroPerio9 who were able to vote using the EuroPerio9 App

Honorato Vidal (Portuguese Society of Periodontology and Implantology) won the overall prize for his photograph Aetiological factor.

The category winners were:

  • Dental disease: Davor Jurlina (Croatian Society of Periodontology), The bones of the salvation finger, alveolar defect.
  • Healthy gums: Nikolaus Fürhauser (Austrian Society of Periodontology), Studio shot of healthy gums of a young man with beard.
  • Extreme/freestyle: Önder Gürlek (Turkish Society of Periodontology), Smiling Sinus

“I am very honoured to receive this prize, especially considering the very high level of other participants," said Honorato Vidal. "For me, dental photography has always been a bit more than just a mere documentation and I am constantly trying to add something artistic, and even something emotional to it. If we pay attention to what surrounds us, even in our professional life, we can find beauty in many little things. And yes, even dental disease can be beautiful!"

Tiernan O’Brien, chair of the jury, said: “Periodontology through the photographer's lens is another way for us to see dentistry in a different light. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who sent us their photographs and for giving us an invitation into their vision of dental health and disease."

More than 300 photographs were submitted to the EFP-affiliated national societies of periodontology in the first phase of the contest, and 57 entries from 23 different countries were selected for the final stage.

These 57 photographs were published on the EFP’s Instagram page and during EuroPerio9 they were displayed in high-resolution format in the “Photo Zone” between the EFP Village at RAI Amsterdam and the poster area.

The members of the jury which chose the winner were Tiernan O’Brien (chair of EFP communications committee), Joanna Kamma (EFP contents editor, Spyros Vassilopoulos (chair, EuroPerio9 ambassadors’ committee), and Paul Davies (EFP editorial and contents co-ordinator).

The aim of the 1st EFP Photo Contest was to harness the photographic skills of members of the national societies to achieve three key objectives:

  • To strengthen the profile of the national societies and to celebrate their creative contributions to the diverse and colourful whole that is the EFP.
  • To engage audiences on-site at EuroPerio9 to support interactivity.
  • To obtain quality images for future EFP publications