20 December 2016
Winter edition of EFP News bulletin is now available to download

The latest edition of the EFP’s bulletin EFP News has been published and is now available for downloading from the EFP website.
The seventh issue of EFP News features articles about the EFP’s proposed new strategic plan, the forthcoming EFP Perio Master Clinic 2017, and the recent Perio Workshop 2016.
The eight-page bulletin, edited by Joanna Kamma on behalf of the EFP’s external affairs committee, also includes a special report on the successful awareness-raising initiative the European Day of Periodontology, organised by the EFP and its affiliated national societies on May 12.
There are also round-ups of the many new initiatives in communications that the EFP has launched this year and of activities organised by the national societies.
The current and all previous editions of EFP News can be downloaded from the publications section of the EFP website. The recently published sister title Perio Insight can also be downloaded from this section.