Highlights from Perio Master Clinic 2023
Perio-Ortho Synergy
Please find the scientific programme below.
Thursday (January 18, 2024)
12:00 | Registration start |
14:00 | Pre-day Workshop |
More information on the workshop, can be found here.
Friday (January 19, 2024)
08:30 | Introduction by the chairs of the congress (P. Preshaw, V. Monnet-Corti, J. Phua) |
08:45 | Orthodontic treatment in stage IV periodontitis (Moderator: B. Tan) |
G. Alcoforado: Long-term results of orthodontic treatments in periodontal patients | |
M. Sanz + C. Martin: Combined periodontal and orthodontic therapy of the stage IV periodontitis patient with pathologic tooth migration | |
Discussion | |
10:20 | Coffee Break |
10:50 | Periodontal regeneration and orthodontics (Moderator: A. Yeo) |
K. Jepsen: Periodontal regeneration and orthodontics - is there a best practice timing? | |
D. Cardaropoli + L. Gaveglio: Orthodontic movement into periodontal bony defects: clinical evidence | |
Discussion | |
12:25 | Lunch break |
13:40 | Dealing with missing teeth and facial growth (Moderator: S. Jepsen) |
N. Winitsky: Single anterior implants and infraposition | |
F. Lambert*: Managing and preventing implant infra-position: a perio/prosth approach | |
Discussion | |
15:15 | Coffee Break |
15:45 | The ortho-perio synergy to enhance smile esthetics (Moderator: L. B. Wong) |
Y. C. Lai: Orthodontics for smile esthetics | |
G. Pelekos + F. She Tsang Tsang: From extrusion to intrusion and everything in between to rebuild the smile | |
Discussion |
Saturday (January 20, 2024)
08:30 | Optimizing Orthodontic Outcomes: Digital Tools to prevent periodontal complications and 3D Teeth/Implant Positioning (Moderator: W. C. Tan) |
T. Chackartchi: Periodontal phenotype evaluation and modification | |
C. Sola + H. Zadeh: Optimization of periodontal plastic surgical outcomes with combination of VISTA and Clear Aligner Therapy | |
Discussion | |
10:05 | Coffee Break |
10:35 | Orthodontics in Grade C Periodontitis: Younger Patients (Moderator: P. Preshaw) |
M. Ong: Key considerations for interdisciplinary periodontal and orthodontic treatment | |
K. H. Poon + J. H. Fu: Combined orthodontic and periodontal management of patients with Grade C periodontitis | |
Discussion | |
12:10 | Lunch Break |
13:25 | Mucogingival surgery in orthodontically treated patients (Moderator: V. Monnet-Corti) |
M. Teo: Challenging situations: explore the limits and possibilities | |
A. Sculean* + Ch. Katsaros: Interdisciplinary approach in the treatment of gingival recession in post-orthodontic patients | |
Discussion | |
15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:30 | Management of complex perio/ortho/implant cases: How far can we go? (Moderator: J. Phua) |
C. W. Ang: Management of challenges in implantology: Synergistic perio-ortho-prosthodontic treatment in the aesthetic zone | |
M. Kudo: Contribution of digital technology in the treatment of complex cases combining periodontology, orthodontics and implantology | |
M. Roccuzzo: Comprehensive management of severe periodontal cases | |
Discussion | |
17:20 | Closing remarks |
P. Preshaw, V. Monnet-Corti |
* remote presentation