Welcoming Words

Welcome to Antwerp!
Welcome to Perio Master Clinic 2023!

Dear colleague, 

On behalf of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), its 37 affiliated national perio societies and our 16,000+ oral health professionals I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to you to attend Perio Master Clinic 2023, our triennial conference addressed to dental clinicians, which will take place in Antwerp, Belgium on 3-4 March 2023 on the following topic:

The Perio-Ortho Synergy

The philosophy of the Perio Master Clinic is to improve the skills and vision of clinicians with the latest and most effective clinical techniques based on sound scientific principles in periodontology, implant and orthodontic dentistry. Speakers and delegates will focus on advanced techniques from a practical, useful point of view this fifth edition of Perio Master Clinic.

Our programme will focus on a multidisciplinary combined periodontal and orthodontic treatment approach, workshops on the day preceding the conference’s regular sessions will be organized given the success of these hands-on workshops during the last Perio Master Clinic in Dublin 2020. The workshops create an opportunity for sponsorship in the area of equipment, hand instrumentation and biomaterials. 

Our scientific programme has confirmed an outstanding list of speakers from Europe, the US and Latin America, all leading experts in their field, so the delegates will definitely feel highly motivated aiming for a predictable, aesthetic and long-lasting treatment outcome in complex patients.  

We very much look forward to welcoming you on the occasion of this unique conference. 

Peter Garmyn
Conference Chair

Virginie Monnet-Corti
Scientific Chair