Flag Turkey

21 Sep 2023 - 23 Sep 2023

52nd International Scientific Congress and 30th Scientific Symposium

Category:National Activities

The Turkish Society of Periodontology was established in 1970 and has held scientific congresses every year for more than half a century without interruption. It has also become traditional for our scientific symposiums, the first of which was held in İzmir in 1990, to accompany our congresses.

We are experiencing the happiness and excitement of holding the 52nd Scientific Congress and 30th Scientific Symposium of our association in İzmir on September 21-23, 2023! Celebrating the 100th anniversary of our Republic this year, increases our excitement even more!

To come together again in face-to-face congresses after the pandemic period when we met with online congresses; while sharing the scientific developments in the field of periodontology, it also creates an opportunity for the integration of our ever-expanding family.

İzmir, which has hosted our congresses and symposiums several times, is waiting to welcome you once again with a rich scientific and social program in the natural warmth of the Aegean!

Hope to see you in İzmir on September 21, 2023...
