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11 Oct 2023 - 13 Oct 2023

BSP Conference 2023: TEAMS - Working Together For Success

Event location: ICC, Birmingham, England

Event contact details: Paula Dunn

Email: admin@bsperio.org.uk Tel: 0844 335 1915

The booking link is now open with full programme details:



I am honoured to have been elected President of BSP for 2023 and to be able to work with colleagues to deliver an Annual Conference that aims at engaging all members of the oral healthcare community. The Conference, entitled 'Teams - working together for success', is based on my strong belief that we need to work closely together with a common goal in order to deliver the best treatment outcomes for our patients.

The Conference starts on Wednesday morning with a new collaboration between BSP and BSODR to help support early career researchers in developing their careers and in delivering future research to benefit our patients. The afternoon will allow early career researchers to compete for the prestigious Sir Wilfred Fish Prize, with the winner having the opportunity to present in the main Conference. This will be followed by keynote lectures sponsored by our industrial partners covering important clinical based topics.

The Conference on Thursday and Friday will develop the teamwork theme, from our patients views and opinions, contemporary patient management, working with other dental specialties, through to the future of periodontal care. I do hope you will come and join us and look forward to welcoming you to Birmingham 11th - 13th October 2023.

Prof Mike Milward, BSP President Elect 2023