Flag Italy

12 May 2023 - 13 May 2023

Continuing Education Course

Category:National Activities

The objective of this SIdP Updating Course is to deepen, in an exclusively therapeutic sense, the role of new surgical and non-surgical techniques and technological innovations in periodontology and implantology, helping the clinician to distinguish what is validated by scientific evidence from what it represents an experimental “suggestion” or, even worse, an exclusively commercial proposition.

And we will do so by referring to those treatments in which the evolution of techniques and clinical protocols and the use of technological innovations are determining a real paradigm shift.

Together with the Membrs of the Cultural Commission, we have built a Course for the Dentists and Students in Dentistry, which includes 3 specific sessions: the first dedicated to periodontal plastic surgery, the second relating to periodontal regenerative surgery and the last reserved for the deepening of the role of reconstructive surgery in implant therapy.