Guideline: The S3 Guideline Process & Step 1 of Treatment (behavioural change, risk-factor control, and PMPR)

Providing high-value scientific knowledge about periodontology and implant dentistry to the dental community around the world is one of the EFP’s key aims. The EFP launched in April 2020 the EFP Perio Sessions as part of the initiatives to support its members and the dental community during the unprecedented situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This presentation will introduce the guideline development process and focus on Step 1 of periodontal treatment, highlighting behaviour change, risk factors and their management, and PMPR. Learning Outcomes: Understand the evidence base for step-1 treatment recommendations and why these recommendations may sometimes differ from the evidence base.
Speaker: Iain Chapple
Moderator: Spyros Vassilopoulos
Webinar Aims
- To introduce the audience to the 1st S3-level international evidence based guidelines in Dentistry.
- To explain the recommendation process and those recommendations within Step-1 of treatment