Flag Italy

21 Mar 2024 - 23 Mar 2024

National Congress. Contemporary Therapy: quality of care and prognosis in periodontology and implantology

Category:National Activities

The Congress will start on Thursday offering three pre-congress courses, one completely in the hands of brilliant young starting lecturers, another one entrusted to a great expert on periodontal surgery and finally a course on patient motivation. There will also be the traditional events dedicated to young colleagues, to the research, the clinics, the Companies, the H. Goldman Award and all other scientific competitions. On Friday, the Congress will be completely focused on the quality of periodontal and implant care and long- term prognosis. On Saturday, the program will focus on the prognosis of multidisciplinary cases and how other disciplines can interact in clinical scenarios of periodontitis. The Saturday afternoon After Congress will continue to be a unique event, with a Training camp for Dentistry Student Members who were already AISO Members and three theoretical courses held by super Experts.