Flag France

01 Dec 2022

Peri-implantitis: the fault of the prosthesis?

Event location: Rennes, France

Event contact details: 

SFPIO Bretagne
Dr Pascale TABOT
3 allée Jean Guihery 35000 RENNES
Tél : +33(0)2 99 31 67 82

Event description:

Peri-implantitis is an unfortunately frequent multi-factorial disease. It appears more and more in the literature that the supra-implant prosthesis, in its design and assembly, is one of these factors.

We will review the prosthetic elements to be taken into account in order to avoid the occurrence of peri-implantitis simply because of the prosthesis.

So should we stop making implant prostheses to avoid losing implants?

registration and programme