Flag France

08 Dec 2022

Preserving the teeth in 2022

Event location: Marseille, France

Event contact details:

11 cours Jean Ballard

Event description:

Keep the teeth in 2022

Reconstructive procedures in periodontal medicine aim to regenerate the periodontal support tissues lost as a result of periodontal disease or trauma.
Over the past few decades, several treatment modalities, including the use of bone grafting materials, barrier membranes, enamel matrix derivatives, growth and differentiation factors, or various combinations thereof, have been shown to promote periodontal regeneration (i.e., formation of cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and gingiva) to varying degrees.
In patients with carefully selected defects, combined with strict pre- and postoperative infection control, periodontal reconstructive surgery can result in substantial clinical benefits evidenced by reduction in probing depth, gain in clinical attachment level and filling of defects.
Current evidence has also demonstrated long-term stability of clinical outcomes, indicating that these techniques can improve dental prognosis and long-term survival.
Very recently, new data from in-vitro and animal studies, as well as first clinical cases, indicate that the use of collagen matrices alone or in combination with biological agents such as EMD or hyaluronic acid (HA) can positively influence periodontal healing/regeneration, thus opening up new horizons in periodontal hard and soft tissue regeneration.

registration and programme