Flag France

08 Dec 2022

Restoring a smile through periodontal plastic surgery

Event location: Strasbourg, France

Event contact details: 

SFPIO Alsace
HUCK Olivier
Service de Parodontologie 1 PLACE DE L’HOPITAL 67000 STRASBOURG

Event description:

Restoring a smile through periodontal plastic surgery

The visibility of the gingiva during the smile, the periodontal health, the gingival contour, the gingival aesthetic line, the presence of papillae will allow us to establish a gingival aesthetic score, to determine the origins of the disharmony and the treatment options. Through numerous clinical cases, we will see how and when additive or subtractive periodontal plastic surgery can modify the appearance and morphology of the gingiva in order to restore a harmonious smile. Our pink aesthetic goal and the patient's expectations should be achieved through "tailored" treatment plans that may consist of a purely periodontal approach or a combination of other odontological disciplines.

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