Flag Italy

09 Mar 2023 - 11 Mar 2023

SIdP congress: Reducing Invasiveness without compromising the clinical outcomes

Event location:  Rimini, Congress Palace, Via della Fiera 23. www.riminipalacongressi.it  phone: 0541711500

Event contact details: Mrs Manuela Bertelli, phone: 055 5530142

Event description: 


The words minimally invasive are increasingly being used in surgery to define an approach aimed at reducing patient discomfort, improving wound healing processes and reducing complications.
In this Congress we want to explore the concept of invasiveness in periodontology and implantology, with a wide perspective and always referring to the predictability of clinical results. This means investigating issues related to the suitability of diagnostic approaches, especially in light of the diffusion of new 3D imaging technologies and artificial intelligence, even before discussing non-surgical and minimally invasive surgical approaches in periodontal and implant therapy in terms of indications, methods and procedures, as well as the conscious use of biomaterials and additional therapies.
We will also discuss the rational use of drugs, in particular systemic antibiotics. All this will be done through Italian and foreign Speakers who will deepen the topics assigned to them in the light of scientific evidence and will interpret the data in a purely clinical manner. All the different membership categories will be represented, including experts and opinion leaders in various subjects, young dentists, students, general practitioners, and "pure" researchers. For the Hygienist members, a scientific program has been prepared that develops the same themes as the Dentists, with joint sessions and others specific to the category. All the different membership categories will be represented, including experts and opinion leaders in various subjects, young dentists, students, general practitioners, and "pure" researchers. For the Hygienist members, a scientific program has been prepared that develops the same themes as the Dentists, with joint sessions and others specific to the category. All the different membership categories will be represented, including experts and opinion leaders in various subjects, young dentists, students, general practitioners, and "pure" researchers. For the Hygienist members, a scientific program has been prepared that develops the same themes as the Dentists, with joint sessions and others specific to the category. All the different membership categories will be represented, including experts and opinion leaders in various subjects, young dentists, students, general practitioners, and "pure" researchers. For the Hygienist members, a scientific program has been prepared that develops the same themes as the Dentists, with joint sessions and others specific to the category.
