Flag Italy

10 Mar 2022 - 12 Mar 2022

SIdP National Congress: Back to the Future

Back to the future for SIdP means also re-discussing consolidated concepts regarding the therapy of Stage IV Periodontitis, in light of the Guidelines of the European Federation of Periodontology, the contents of which will be presented during the lectures of the Congress.
Following the SIdP tradition and in continuity with all the past presidents, I really hope that the Congress will prove to be an authentic opportunity for aggregation and "contamination", this time for ideas only. A place where we can meet and live moments of scientific knowledge, but also of professional inspiration, of sociability and of culture in a broad sense.
Much time will be devoted to research and innovation. Periodontal and implant topics will be presented in an interdisciplinary clinical perspective, always adhering to the theme of the Congress.

Scientific and Organizing Secretariat
Società Italiana di Parodontologia e Implantologia SIdP Via del Gelsomino, 20
I - 50125 Florence
Tel. +39 055 5530142 Fax +39 055 2345637

Attached Scientific program