The EFP thanks Curasept for its support and its unrestricted grant

Perio & Family Doctors overview

The aim of the outreach campaign Perio & Family Doctors is to promote awareness of how dental and general medical practitioners can improve the healthcare they provide to their patients by taking into better account the synergies between periodontology and family medicine.

This campaign has evolved from the outcomes of the EFP's focused workshop on periodontology and family doctors, which took place in July 2022 in Madrid. It was sponsored by Curasept and involved leading experts from both organisations. Experts worked in three subgroups to thoroughly examine the latest evidence for associations between periodontal diseases and major chronic systemic NCDs, including diabetes, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).

The translations of the campaign materials to languages other than English have been provided by Cavid Ahmedbeyli (Azerbaijani), Nicky Beukers (Dutch), Zeineb Hamdi (French), Corinna Bruckmann (German), Martina Audagna (Italian), Susana Noronha (Portuguese), and Eugenia Huerta (Spanish).

The EFP thanks Curasept for its unrestricted grant, that has made possible the Perio & Family Doctors campaign possible.

Are you an oral health professional? Oral health providers play a vital role in promoting general health! 








Scientific Report

The EFP’s Focused Workshop on Periodontology and Family Doctors, held in Madrid in July 2022, examined the role of general practitioners and oral-healthcare providers in the management of their patients. It reviewed the well-established associations of periodontal disease with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic respiratory diseases.

The resulting scientific consensus report, published by the Journal of Clinical Periodontology summarises the discussions that took place at the workshop, at which three subgroups reviewed the latest evidence available. Nine experts from the EFP and nine from Wonca Europe (the European branch of the World Organisation of Family Doctors) evaluated the current knowledge, reaching consensus agreements and creating a series of recommendations for family physicians and dentists.

Donwload the consensus report

For media

If you are a journalist and would like more information about this campaign, please contact