The extensive list of EFP publications includes the sector-leading Journal of Clinical Periodontology, the research summary JCP Digest, the Perio Talks podcasts, and a range of articles that offer expert views on periodontal science and clinical practice.

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Special publications

Perio classification 

The current classification is based on the findings of the World Perio Workshop (2017) which updated the classification of all periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions. The EFP has published a series of resources to help oral-health professionals understand and implement the classification. 

View Classification

Clinical guidelines

The EFP has produced a set of S3-level clinical-practice guidelines to provide oral-healthcare professionals with precise therapeutic pathways based on individual patient diagnoses and recommend specific interventions to get the best possible results for patients with periodontitis and peri-implant diseases.

View Clinical guidelines

White papers

The EFP has commissioned two "white papers" from the Economist Intelligence Unit and Economist Impact on the socioeconomic impact of periodontitis and on addressing inequalities in oral health.

View Time to take gum disease seriously
View The burden of caries and periodontitis

Perio Focus green paper

The impact of the global burden of periodontal diseases on health, nutrition and wellbeing of mankind: a call for global action.

View Green paper

Responsible periodontology

The EFP is committed to a vision of responsible and sustainable periodontology. It has published a Sustainability Manifesto and a set of Sustainability Actions.

View Responsible Periodontology


The EFP, in collaboration with its partners, has made a series of campaigns on issues related to oral health including the relationship between periodontal disease and caries, diabetes, heart disease, and pregnancy complications, as well as an outreach campaign with family doctors and a health-education campaign about lifestyle choices that affect oral health.

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